

06/11/11 〜 07/12/16 〜 07/12/28 LK 94/61 〜 94/61 .〜 97/66 俺、次ジョブ上がったらINT完成するんだ… 04/01/03 〜 07/11/20 〜 07/11/24 〜 07/12/28 Wiz 99/50 .〜 転生 .〜 HiWiz 69/1 〜 90/54 4年弱の熟成期間を経てHiWizが。 80歳なってたらもう素…

The end of February came. 2 month, if I was a schoolboy, it’s very long time to spend in playing and studying. As I thought, the timescale of life is very accelerative.

The day of cats!!1!!! Yeahaaaaahahhha--ohhh--!! By the way, I'm allergic to cats. Very sad.

I found bone conduction headphone, which is an interesting technique to listen to the music. Usually, we hear sounds from our ears. However, when we hear the recorded voice of ourselves, we have a feeling of wrongness. The reason is that w…

I cleaned a bath room, a kitchen, and a toilet today. It was very demanding because the wall of the room was moldy. |つ-`) I consumed 4 "kabi killer" bottles and I had a fit of coughing maybe caused by Cl2 gas. At last, I exterminated a mo…

I overed the peak of my work of this month! (maybe.)

Happy day of small dried sardines!

Why don't you know that the work that once over a deadline determined by your boss come to nothing.

,._.,∠ I didn't sleep this night! at 8:15

,._.,,Sleep is very important for healthy life. I wonder why some people can sleep in a few minutes. My acquaintances say “I can sleep in a few seconds”. I cannot sleep in a few tens of minute.Therefore, I drink beer. I think beer may be s…

Ergate (worker ant), why don't you have a rest? For my family, for myself, and for my ... Why is my motivation weak. I had been the weak since I became to be able to think the future of mine and compromise my life. Subsequently, I’m angry …

Recently, I drink hot water, not coffee. I insist that hot water is slightly sweet, and it’s inexpensive, very nice drink. The sense of my smell has been advanced these days. I speculate on that this change may be owing to hot water. I rec…

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............. a sense of failure.

For example, we Japanese often begin speech with 'but'. This may be ununderstandable (unun!) for foreigner. By the way, why do we use 'but' at first in conversation? Let’s use dictionary. In Koujien, ‘but’ is written in three meaning. In e…

It was snow today. It's very surprising in my area. And I tell you the day of cat. 2/2. Carbohydrate delicious carbohydrate.

I drank in this two days. It's all of my excuse.

Trace of one's picture is unexpectedly difficult in picture BBS. I think that the mainly reason of its difficulty is the color making. In other words, I’m no good at making a color from RGB values by intuition. Of course, this problem is r…

My work was settled for the time being. But it is starline for me. True hell begins now... The problem is that I have many work and some works come to a climax at the same time(つ-`)

Ohhh, the sound of Monday footstep... January are going with the wind.

Today, I caught an opportunity to speak English. I was asked "I'm going to see Mr. X. Please tell me where to go." And I answered "I don’t know, sorry", fluently.

Giving up reduces quality of anything.

It's very difficult to make idle talk in English. One of the main reasons for it, we Japanese tends to expect a person to guess what we want to say, even if we say only a word. In other words, Japanese can have conversation using noun only…

I found very interesting word in dictionary (Readers+). It is [wuzzy], do you know? [Wuzzy] is adjective or noun. If it was adjective, [wuzzy] means "unkind", "perversely irritable", "confused", and "vacantly". However, if it was noun, [wu…

Today is [one two three]. Mr. Childeren sang [one two three]. In higurashi cicada, [hihumi] of one two three have a important part of story. I finished [in about higurashi sings]. It's only meaning of these.

Ohhhhhhh, my browser killed my manuscript. I'm sad. Backspace key is very dangerous. I will make effort to get my message across with short sentence. Already, 5% of this year passed. I'm too idleness to live on a daily basis.

I often buy the same comic. It is very sad. Yesterday, I bought [PLUTO 04] which I had bought. To prevent these accident, what should I do, carrying notes with all my collection of books? It's very bother. Atom cute Atom.

Double contribution. (つー`)

,._.,, It is very difficult to write long-sentence in English. I have heard that writing English diary is good training to enhance ability at writing (or speaking?) English. Someone would suspect its efficiency because wrong terms are not …

1/11 ダイエットを宣言する 1/12 突如飲み会 これは内通者がいるだろ…常識的に考えて…


計測日時070110 12時〜15時 ADSL(無線) → 光(無線) 平均6.4Mbps → 19.7Mbps 結果メモ。BNR speed test 下り:6.10Mbps .→ 20.0MbpsUSEN スピードテスト 下り:6.86Mbps .→ 21.0Mbpsgoo BroadbandSpeedtest 下り:6.88Mbps .→ 20.5Mbpsブロードバンドスピ…